Brief introduction

     SEU-FEI Nano-Pico Center (NPC), the first joint laboratory based on picometer-resolution Transmission Electron Microscope in Pacific Asia region, was launched in spring 2009. The purpose of establishing the joint laboratory is strengthening scientific and technical collaboration between Southeast University (SEU) and FEI Company who is the world leader in the production of electron microscopes for nanoscale research. The mission of the center aims to build multifunctional "nanolabs" inside the state-of-the-art electron microscopy facilities and realize the possibility of performing all nano-related experiments from synthesis and structure-property characterization of nanomaterials to fabrication of nanodevices in real time at atomic level.

     The current research of NPC focuses on advanced nanomaterials including graphene, carbon nanotubes and onions, metal and inorganic semiconductor nanoparticles/nanowires, their specific properties (thermal, electrical, mechanical and optical) and potential applications in alternative energy and nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS). Particular emphasis is placed on the dynamic in situ experimentation and the fundamental understanding of the structure-property relationship of nanomaterials. In addition, computer simulations are used for the interpretation of experimental results.

      Exploring the Nanoworld from Picoscale!

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